Sunday, February 28, 2010



I was so behind schedule!
I just don't know what I did for the past few weeks.
Quite depressing and I feel like going off - taking a break!

There are so many things that I've got to catch up:
- term paper(s)
- case study (ies)
- proposal *ulpsssss*
- presentation(s)

My, my, my...
God knows how desperate I was each time!\

~from my POV~

p/s: Oh, how I wish I could turn back time and spend my jollygood time with my friends back in Singapore last year!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Visual principle

Hahahahaha...I was so pathetic when it comes to visual principle!
Dr. Ros -  my EDU711 lecturer, was shocked to see my so-called webquest created with such a shocking black and blue combination!

It was pretty difficult to choose the right combination when you the PREVIEW option is absent.
That was my experience using the free Internet-based webquest template developed by AT&T!
(Screw AT&T for its sloppy site!)

Huh, I wonder why must every single shareware now are no longer available for free?
Why must everything is made payable?
Oh, the least would be giving a 30 days trial period!

Looks like I have to pay a visit to the nearest computer centre and start installing software(s) now!
In Shah Alam, it;s quite easy to find a not so pricey centre - the cheapest rate would be RM8/software.

There's a price in everything ey?

~from my POV~

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Creating a WEBQUEST?

a quest...
on the Internet?

pergh, what a task ey?
it's quite difficult at first, but then I think I managed to create one
a trial webquest, I suppose!

hmm, one should really know the content of each link before adding it in the quest!
or else, the student won't benefit!

huh, what a task!
well, do give a look at this so plain webquest which I created using the webquest creator available on this

here's my trial webquest url:

~from my POV~

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I was struggling to complete my assignments when suddenly I realized that my MSOffice Applications did not function as usual.
I can't alter my document.
I can't save my document.
I can't start typing in a new document.
All I can do is: view the document.

I panicked - alamak, what to do now?
I dialled my kid brother's number asking what did he do to my Office, but he said he did nothing to it!

Hmm, what went wrong ey?
Could it be the system is infected by Trojan?
Owh, my bad! I didn't install Kaspersky Internet Security yet!
Yeah ryte, blame me for not installing it!

Arggh...what to do now?
I've repeatedly restarting my netbook with the hope Office will operate as usual...
Praying and praying...tension is building up!
Tick tock...tick tock...time is running!

I checked on other applications available on the netbook, tryingto find any applications which can be used in place of MS Word.

Use WordPad... boring the layout!

Any other application?
Notepad? limited features available!

Eh, still got time to be choosy ey?


"Miss, if you're online you can try ZOHO" a student of mine suggested that to me.
(Thanks to Zulfadhli @UiTM Lendu, Melaka)
What? ZOHO? What is ZOHO?

It's actually an online word processor; quite similar to MS Office but it's available online and it offers a lot of interesting features.

So, I started working on my assignment with ZOHO.
But, you really need to familiarize yourself with its features to avoid frustration!

Later that day I discovered the problem with my MSOffice Applications
.... and the problem was: EXPIRED TRIAL PERIOD OF MSOffice 2007!

I didn't realize that I was using a trial application!
Oh, it must be because of the replacement of the HDD last year.
They didn't install the original application instead providing me with the trial pack only!

Huh! Luckily I didn't pay a single cent for the replacement since my netbook was still under warranty that time. Or else, I might go and ask for a refund from them.

All in all, I learnt something new and it can become handy when you need it (plus the Internet connection ok!)
Go and give ZOHO a try and I bet you'll like it!

~from my POV~

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My foreword...

Another blog is created, another blogger has emerged.
Well, the advancement in technology makes people advance.
However, there are also people who choose to go backward with the help of technology.

Ironic ey?

~from my POV~