Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wedding invitation...again??? *dang*

Ughhh, it's here again!
I just dunno why - felt not going to attend any wedding receptions anymore!

Felt tired!

Uh, it was just such a lame excuse huh?

Well, let me be frank with you:
I kinda hate to attend wedding receptions lately.


Reason 1:
My friends would go with their other half and me - a half on my own!

Reason 2:
My Sunday class is on, so clearly I can't be attending the wedding coz I'll be late for class.
FYI my class starts at 2pm, and it takes about 45 minutes drive to get me there and you wouldn't want me to drive overspeed limit don't you?

Reason 3:
My wardrobe hasn't been refreshed with new lines of clothing! The best 'baju kurung' would be that white-pink baju kurung which I bought last Aidilfitri...

Reason 4:
My brother has booked my car this week, so I don't have any choice since I received the invitation later than the booking made by him. Sorry!

Reason 5:
Oh, I thought the wedding would be next week! Ah, should have reminded me dear!

I know I can't always escape, but it's killing me each time I drag my feet to the weddings...

Arghhh, I can't stand seeing those familiar faces grinning at me! *tongue*

Duh, like I care!! *pouting*

Hey, stop asking that cliche question! Am not gonna answer it tho' - shooooh!

Think this gonna give me nightmare tonite!!!!

~from my POV~

Some of the attended weddings:
Jazlin Ab. Jalal & Erlinna Zaadon's wedding

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Creating the brochure & certs using Publisher was pretty easy and interesting!

I'd always be the one preparing the brochure or the program book for the events organized by my unit/department back then.

Heheheh...when some other people were assigned on that task, all they did was asking for the template from me!
What a pity, huh?
Kenapa? Why?

Tak tahu?
Pura-pura tak tahu?

Ntah, I have no idea...

When it comes to computer software or hardware, I'd always be the expert (how expert I was ey?)
I still remember those worried or baffled faces when there's a malfunction with the printer, the Internet connection, the hang computer or even a missing template!
And they'll be calling my name...

Hey, I'm not the IT technician here!
Hahahahahahahhahaa...sabar jer lah...

I'd try my best to solve their problems on my own before I hand them to the IT technicians if things were beyond my control.

Hmm, I'd still remember what my English teacher-cum-Computer teacher back in SMK Senawang:
'Alaaa, jangan takut dengan komputer tu! Kita yang buat dia!'

Yeah, in a way what Mr. Roslan Aziz (1996) said was true!
One should not be afraid of the computer, it won't explode if you wrongly press the key!

Thanks to him - I developed an interest in computer technology because of him!

~from my POV~