Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Creating the brochure & certs using Publisher was pretty easy and interesting!

I'd always be the one preparing the brochure or the program book for the events organized by my unit/department back then.

Heheheh...when some other people were assigned on that task, all they did was asking for the template from me!
What a pity, huh?
Kenapa? Why?

Tak tahu?
Pura-pura tak tahu?

Ntah, I have no idea...

When it comes to computer software or hardware, I'd always be the expert (how expert I was ey?)
I still remember those worried or baffled faces when there's a malfunction with the printer, the Internet connection, the hang computer or even a missing template!
And they'll be calling my name...

Hey, I'm not the IT technician here!
Hahahahahahahhahaa...sabar jer lah...

I'd try my best to solve their problems on my own before I hand them to the IT technicians if things were beyond my control.

Hmm, I'd still remember what my English teacher-cum-Computer teacher back in SMK Senawang:
'Alaaa, jangan takut dengan komputer tu! Kita yang buat dia!'

Yeah, in a way what Mr. Roslan Aziz (1996) said was true!
One should not be afraid of the computer, it won't explode if you wrongly press the key!

Thanks to him - I developed an interest in computer technology because of him!

~from my POV~